

50-minute session: $240 (before eligible rebates apply).

Fees are due on the day of your appointment, and you may pay by cash or direct deposit.



If you have a valid Mental Health Care Plan from your GP or psychiatrist, you are eligible for Medicare rebate of $141.85 per session, and there would be a $98.15 out of pocket cost.

Psychological Reports

If during the course of therapy you request a psychological report to be written, please note that it will incur a fee (one hour of report writing will have a fee equivalent to one hour of psychotherapy). Reports do not attract the Medicare rebate.

Private Health Insurance

If you have private health insurance you may be eligible to receive refunds for psychological services. Please phone your insurance provider to discuss your entitlements.

Private Health Insurance for temporary/student visa holders

You may be eligible to receive refunds for psychological services. Please phone your insurance provider to discuss your entitlements.

I aim to keep my fees below The Australian Psychological Society’s recommended fee of $300 per session.

If you have any questions about fees, please feel free to email your question to El Faro Psychology.